Digital Experiences are Helping Life Over 60

An article on connection, how great my mum is... and the brilliant work Pluss Communities is doing around customer experience in retirement villages and the aged care sector.

Over 60s are taking over social media. It's amazing. My mum knows more about what's going on with my friends, because she's on Facebook, and I'm not. It helps her feel connected, and I love that.

My mum lives with her partner in an over 50s community on the Sunshine Coast of Queensland. It is right by the golf course. Her neighbours are lovely. They all travel, visit family, and spend time with one another. 

On the coast, things slow down a little. There is a whole lot of laughter, great food, plus the odd gin & tonic. Their generation is really happy.

If you know my mum, you'll know that golf has been the mainstay of her social life since she was a teenager. She is now close to Olympic level training at 69 years old and her handicap has never been so low. Seriously, the woman is a superstar. 

Not everyone has my mum's social or sporting skills though. And not everyone has a community that they can easily fit into. Once we get to retirement age and don't have the support structure of our working life, things change. 

What if Mum had just moved to a new community and wanted to get to know people, or find out what's going on? I would be hoping that community had the Pluss Communities app. And here's why...

I am the older daughter

Most retirement and aged care living organisations include 'the older daughter' as a persona in their sales process. Which is valid. Research shows that older daughters or sons are often involved in decisions around care as their parents get older. To me, it's important to know there are good people around my mum, and that she and her partner are happy. When they moved to the coast 8 years ago, we talked about their change in social life, and about making new friends. At any age, a move is challenging. Add health limitations and the impact feels greater.

My mum and her partner can sort this stuff out for themselves right now... but in the future that may change, and it's important to think about. 

This is why I am so proud of the team at Pluss Communities.

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Pluss Communities

This amazing team recognised how tech-savvy the plus-60 generation is, and created a platform designed especially for them. It is like Facebook... but better! It is tailored to the small communities that our loved ones are a part of. All of the book clubs, wine nights, movie events, golf outings are on it. Neighbours can see who is heading to what, and go (or not!)... Digital environments enable our real life experiences. Pluss Communities have done this beautifully. 

Dylan Verrier, Co-founder at Pluss Communities, raises an important point: What about the generation 10 years older than my mum?

Many are already in aged care facilities, are not as able as they used to be, and connection for them is enormously important. Have you ever been bed-ridden for a time? I bet you reached for social media... and wanted someone to bring you tea and toast. Did a friend come visit you? Imagine if most of your days were like this: in bed and needing care.

Dylan and his team are on a mission to prevent social isolation, wherever it can happen. He says our over 70s are particularly vulnerable and digital connection is something that is proven to make a difference.

If you have family in retirement living and aged care, or are an operator, do have a look at Pluss Communities. If we can help the lives of our families and friends be more connected and beautiful, what better thing could we do?

Sarah Daly is undertaking a PhD at the Queensland University of Technology, investigating the role of trust in the adoption and diffusion of AI based innovation, particularly in the healthcare sector. She is also the Operations Director of CapFeather, a customer strategy and innovation consulting firm.

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