modern slavery statement
our commitment
Preventing modern slavery practices is a complex issue with a global impact, and eliminating the potential for modern slavery practices in our operations and supply chain is key to our commitment.
At CapFeather and the CX Institute, respecting human rights is inherent in our business operations and is embedded in our values, reflecting and shaping our behaviours and organisational culture. We seek to treat everyone fairly and consistently, creating a workplace and business environment that is safe, ethical, open, transparent and trusted. Aligning with our core values and beliefs, any action taken to date or planned in the future will enhance our ability to address the risk of modern slavery in our operations and supply chain.
CapFeather and the CX Institute are committed to:
Ensure the risk of modern slavery practices within our business operations is understood and addressed in accordance with internationally recognised principles and the Modern Slavery Act 2018
Eliminate the potential for modern slavery practices in our operations and supply chain
Supplier Code of Conduct
We expect all existing and new Suppliers to comply with the principles set out in our Supplier Code of Conduct. Fundamental to the Supplier Code of Conduct is an expectation that all Suppliers operate in full compliance with the laws and regulations in the jurisdiction where the goods are sourced, procured or services are performed.
Suppliers must use best endeavours to ensure that there is no modern slavery in their supply chains and operations. In the event Suppliers identify any occurrence of, or material risk of modern slavery in their supply chains or operations they are to take practical and effective steps to address that occurrence or risk. Suppliers must notify us as soon as practicable of any occurrence of, or material risk of modern slavery they have identified and notify relevant authorities where appropriate.
Communications, Engagement and Training
Our team is provided communications and training opportunities to enhance their understanding of the causes and humanitarian impact of modern slavery, the Modern Slavery Act 2018 and our approach to limiting the risk of modern slavery within our supply chains and operations.
The Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018
What is Modern Slavery? Australian Human Rights Institute, UNSW [Video]
Modern day slavery in supply chains [TED Talk]
If you would like to alert us to an occurrence or risk of modern slavery, please contact: Sarah Daly via email or phone +61 3 8319 0966.