Top 5 Podcasts from the CapFeather Team

The CapFeather team is a powerhouse of innovative thinking and are regularly investing their time into podcasts as fuel for ideas. For us, podcasts are best done with headphones on, ideally out for a brisk walk and away from the computer. It is a double-up investment in our brain and well-being.

We hope you enjoy our Top 5 Podcast Episodes this month.

Sarah Daly, CapFeather’s Marketing Director, is listening to Louis Grenier, the French guy behind Everyone Hates Marketers. ‘Seth Godin’s Marketing Secrets to Changing the World’ is one of her fave episodes, but recommends diving into Louis’ catalogue, partly for his great accent - partly for his wonderfully refreshing approach.

Listen to the episode on Spotify.

Lachlan Austin, our Market Strategy Development lead, is delving into the human mind and listening to ‘Is Human Consciousness a Mistake?’ with Alan Watts. Don’t be put off by the mushroom. Lachlan says: “Alan Watts is elegantly old school in his thinking.”

Listen to the episode on Spotify.

Dr Robert Dew, one of our founders and a late-night aficionado, recommended Joe Rogan and Dr Matthew Walker on the importance of sleep. He was astonished by the impact of getting less than 7 hours of quality sleep and made some fast changes in his habits after listening. With nearly 8 million views, the 2 hours is well worth it.

Listen to the episode on Youtube.

You can also check out the book Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams.

Cyrus Allen, our Managing Partner, recommended an a16z episode about marketing to and partnering with Gen Z. He used this podcast to think through customer engagement with Gen Z versus Millennials on a recent client project.

Listen to the episode.

Peter Sydes, CapFeather’s Human Services lead, recommended the Customer Experience Leaders episode outlining a ‘Radically Different Approach to the Aged Care Sector’. Bryan Cannon, CEO of LDK Seniors Living talks through his thinking.

Listen to the episode.