Digital transformation that starts with the HUMAN customer
We develop growth lead transformations that focus on high-value elements your customers will value and your teams will champion.
Digital transformation is NOT a technology problem
Defining your digital transformation as a technology problem limits outcomes to an internal ‘cost’ and ‘benefit’ challenge.
Successful digital transformation depends on:
Focus on business outcomes and growth opportunities
Acknowledging existing capabilities
Identifying the changes needed to drive your organisation beyond your competitors
How do we work together?
We support your executive team to rapidly come up to speed with the market, process, technology landscape changes relevant to your sector, and craft a pragmatic framework for digital transformation that supports your customers and people
We focus on growth, drive technology uplifts (e.g. application renewal, SAAS adoption), consider AI and data, and work across the business to ensure engagement across your people
We take an end to end ‘Lean’ approach for quick adoption, adaption, and improvements throughout the journey
What we won’t do
Sell you a subscription service or particular technology package. We can work with any vendor and are not aligned to any in particular
Send junior people to work in your organisation. All of our consultants are senior, experienced business experts.
Start with the technology and work backwards. We specialise in customer innovation and growth, and this is where we start with everything we do.
Over complicate things, ask for an exorbitant outlay, promise the world, then take years to deliver results (if at all). We believe in the Pareto principle, or 80:20 rule and can start small to solve your most immediate problems that have the greatest impacts, which does not have to cost the world.
Digital transformation means change and change can be hard
We create a roadmap incorporating all aspects of your strategy and customer value proposition. Using this roadmap we can determine the speed your organisation, customers, suppliers and potentially regulators can adopt and adapt to your Digital Transformation.
Our experience in business and psychology shows everyone is different when adopting change.
Some will be champions of the change
Others will adopt it when the benefits of change become obvious
Some will resist as long as they can
All these responses need to be acknowledged and addressed.
We have extensive experience helping organisations turnaround from unsuccessful digital transformations.
Talk to us
If it is time your organisation has the right conversation around human focused digital transformation, talk with us.
CapFeather. Customer Strategy & Innovation, With Impact
Find out more
AI For Growth - CapFeather uses human insight to drive Artificial Intelligence design outcomes
Data Leverage - CapFeather works with your teams to access, leverage, and maximise your data use.