Thank you for visiting CapFeather. To download our whitepaper on Workforce Value Proposition Development, please provide your details at the bottom of the page.

A fresh perspective to drive talent recruitment and retention

Considering your workforce like customers as a way to better understand their needs and define value propositions to attract and retain them is a powerful way to differentiate in today’s competitive landscape.

CapFeather employs a range of tools and approaches that are typically used to inform customer value proposition development to design Workforce Value Propositions (WVP) that get real cut through. One of those - Kano Modelling - is shown below. It is a unique technique to help drill into the WVP attributes that your workforce really value to figure out how to make your organisation more attractive to current and potential staff.


How does Kano Modelling work?

We assess and categorise different features or attributes based on their impact on employee satisfaction, and help you tailor recruitment and retention strategies accordingly.

This helps you to understand what ‘hygiene factors’ are required to attract your particular workforce; what they expect and just how much of that you should invest in; and what opportunities exist to delight them - the ulimate way to lengthen tenure and deepen loyalty.

The Kano Model is used to categorise value proposition attributes and help determine what elements to invest in and how much.

What we do

CapFeather helps organisations wanting a different approach to designing Workforce Value Propositions. This includes employee sentiment, experience mapping, value proposition development and change management.

Please let us know who you are and then download the full Workforce Value Proposition whitepaper.


Talk to us to find out how we can help.

Contact our Workforce & Change Management Lead Julieanne Dimitrios