Data is the glue of the Digital Growth-based organisation

Decision makers need data to adopt and drive Digital Transformation. Data is a means of enabling staff to better use their knowledge for customer purposes as well as identifying necessary improvements across your value-chain. Customer value combined with operating efficiency is the goal. How do you get there?

Our experience across many organisations highlights that Legacy applications "lock away" the data generated through normal operations. Your teams are constrained in accessing and understanding this data which is often controlled by ‘specialist’ Data Analytics teams.  External data sources that enhance and complement internal perspectives need to be brought together so new technologies can be applied in support company wide management reporting or future AI initiatives.

Creating an infrastructure that aggregates data from multiple sources into a corporate data lake is the starting point in creating a comprehensive data strategy. Such infrastructure allows teams across the organisations to create comprehensive models to improve operational reporting, test and validate business analytics and allows for the use of AI to derive more detailed analysis and hypotheses on the impact of decisions.

Core to the success of data in the Digital Organisation is to ensure that staff have the right tools and skills in being able to use data in undertaking their day to day operations including  ‘data wrangling’ and data cleansing, creating data visualisations or the use of data to improve and negate internal work-arounds through Robotic Process Automation across existing business processes.

What We Do

At CapFeather we recognise the challenges of accessing, translating, and using your data, and we provide you with the strategies, roadmaps and design support to open up the value in your data. 

We validate your data strategies and policies, we innovate with you to release your data faster to meet your business needs, and we support and validate the data needed to improve your Customer Experience.


Talk to us to find out how we can help.

Contact our Digital Advisory lead Marcus Van Vugt today