In this series of short videos, CapFeather Managing Partner Cyrus Allen interviews author Dr. Robert Dew about the key concepts from the new book The Empathic Algorithm: Leveraing AI for next-level Customer Experience.

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Introduction: why write about this, and why now?

“The real opportunity with this level of automation is revenue growth, more so than cost control” Dr Robert Dew, The Empathic Algorith

Lightning in a bottle: Why is focussing on empathy so important?

Deliberately designing conversations between AI and humans - Managing Partner Cyrus Allen interviews author Dr Robert Dew on how to use AI differently for standout CX

Key challenges organisations face today.

Dr Robert Dew, author of The Empathic Algorithm, talks about they key challenges organisations are facing today with regards to AI.

Application opportunities for introducing empathy-based automation.

Dr Robert Dew, author of The Empathic Algorithm, talks about some of the application opportunities empathy-based automation present.

Implications for those who have already invested in simple service automation & martech.

Author Dr Robert Dew talks about the implications for organisations who have already invested in martech and basic service automation.

So, why did we write a book on this, at this time?

Well, so many executives are feeling anxious about AI, wondering whether it is a threat or an opportunity, and what the useful edges of the issue are for them and their organisations.

They realise that they can’t trust vendors as they have too much self-interest involved in pushing their tech. And that most of the conversation internally is about the technology and automating to reduce costs. Lost in this is the critical conversation around customers - and how AI can be used to enhance value proposition delivery.

So this book is about demystifying AI and specifically understanding the role of AI in designing and delivering impactful customer experiences.  

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What is The Empathic Algorithm all about? Foreword

“As our world confronts a near-term future shaped by the development and application of ever-more advanced technologies, it is critical that executives don’t lose focus on the importance of customer experience in remaining competitive and relevant. The trap of applying technology simply to reduce cost is tempting but it is not enough.

The transformative power of AI technologies is already radically altering business landscapes. The COVID pandemic accelerated the seismic shift towards digital technologies and underscored the crucial role of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare, retail, education, and a myriad of other sectors.

These developments, rapid and relentless, call for a systematic understanding of AI's role in the Customer Experience (CX). This book explores not just the application of AI to automation but delves into the softer aspect of 'empathy', often overlooked yet vital for impactful CX. This book is a comprehensive guide for businesses navigating this new normal, where digitization has ceased to be an option and become a necessity. It offers insights into the mind of the customer and the evolution of CX in the AI era. From leveraging AI for cost reduction to creating value growth, it provides a holistic understanding of the interplay between AI, empathic understanding, and CX.

Whether you're an entrepreneur adapting to the shifts in customer behaviour or a seasoned executive reimagining business strategy, this book is a tool to leverage AI for a deeper connection with your customers. As AI evolves and reshapes industries, this book can be your compass in the pursuit of excellent customer experiences.”

-- Cyrus Allen, Managing Partner, CapFeather.