AI | Digital

Is Data the New Competitive Advantage?

Is Data the New Competitive Advantage?

[4 minute read]

In this article, Sarah Daly asks: Are we gathering data in a way that we can leverage to create competitive advantage? Most companies believe data are an advantage, however a recent article in the Harvard Business Review suggests: “In most instances people grossly overestimate the advantage that data confers.” To help overcome this problem, she suggests 4 steps organisations could take to encourage innovating with data.

Digital diagnosis: intelligent machines do a better job than humans

Digital diagnosis: intelligent machines do a better job than humans

[5 minute read ]

Advanced technology is heralding significant changes for the health sector. Organisations that understand and harness this opportunity early are more likely to achieve the efficiencies offered while developing a patient experience that leads to better health outcomes. In this article CapFeather’s Anjali Jaiprakash, with Ross Crawford and Jonathan Roberts, outline how technology is changing the medical profession and the patient experience.

Too Much Information: the COVID Work Revolution has Increased Digital Overload

Too Much Information: the COVID Work Revolution has Increased Digital Overload

[7 minute read]

Olga Kokshagina gives us 3 practical tips to manage the problem of digital overload at work. She suggests changing digital overload requires radical reflection on the temptations of technology – including the belief that yet more technology will solve the problem.

Disrupting For-Purpose: Remaining Relevant, Resilient and Ready

Disrupting For-Purpose: Remaining Relevant, Resilient and Ready

[9 minute read + 19 minute video]

Guest author Bill Petch describes how reconnecting with stakeholders to create new value is critical in the for-purpose sector. As a CEO who has led successful change, he knows what it takes to turn an organisation around.

Control or freedom? Designing a customer culture that works for you

Control or freedom? Designing a customer culture that works for you

[4 minute read + 6 minutes video]

Both Apple and Zappos are rated as great employers, have successful cultures, and drive phenomenal financial return. Sarah Daly investigates whether taking a more autonomous or controlled approach for customer culture is best.

Apple Includes Respect for Privacy in its New iOS

Apple Includes Respect for Privacy in its New iOS

[3 min read]

If you are not paying on Facebook, Google, or a host of other companies that rely on your data for their success - you are the product. Facebook customers in particular are becoming uneasy as stalker-ish levels of advertising and engagement are reaching tipping point, but they are not the only culprits. Apple has addressed the problem head on in it’s new operating system design, and Facebook aren’t happy.

Why being an AI Leader is challenging, but worth it.

Why being an AI Leader is challenging, but worth it.

[5 minute read]

Is your organisation leading the field in adopting AI, or is it still on your radar? This article will give you insights into some of the benefits and challenges of recreating your customer strategy around AI.

Prediction Machines [Book Review]

Prediction Machines [Book Review]

[3 minute read]

What if your business could predict what your customers want, before they tell you? Sarah Daly reviews Prediction Machines by Ajay Agrawal, Joshua Gans and Avi Goldfarb and highlights the implications of AI for your customer strategy.

How to Enhance your Customer Experience with AI

How to Enhance your Customer Experience with AI

[7 minute read]

Artificial intelligence (AI) already underpins many of our online customer interactions and its use across organisations is growing. How can you use AI to enhance your customer experience? These 5 steps will help you get the right results for your organisation.

The Real Value In Universities

The Real Value In Universities

[6 minute read]

Is the real value of a university degree the education? Or is it something else? This is important for universities and students to consider as the tectonic plates of the university education system are shifting under our feet. This article examines the value of technology-based versus human-based learning experiences.

Don't Be Evil: How Value Is Everything In Customer Strategy

Don't Be Evil: How Value Is Everything In Customer Strategy

[5 minute read]

Maybe you were surprised this week to see Google is crying foul in an open letter to users about a proposed new law:

…the News Media Bargaining Code, would force us to provide you with a dramatically worse Google Search and YouTube, could lead to your data being handed over to big news businesses, and would put the free services you use at risk in Australia.

Snapchat Transcends the Virtual World to Create More Customer Value

Snapchat Transcends the Virtual World to Create More Customer Value

[4 minute read 6 minute video ]

Snapchat is a stand out in the world of social media. It has captured the attention of Gen Z like no other app. According to Oberlo, Snapchat’s success is formidable. It is the second most used mobile app in the world with more than 220 million users. Half of 15-25 year olds are engaged. Many of them are highly engaged - 63% log on daily and the company claims they open the camera in the app 20 times a day.

Automation: Robot Chefs - Coming To A Kitchen Near You

Automation: Robot Chefs - Coming To A Kitchen Near You

[4.5 minute read 3.5 minute video ]

Automation will impact so many aspects of our personal and professional lives. Each edition we will showcase an examples of Automation and discuss the implications for customer strategy and our individual experiences.

What really matters to consumers more - move toward or away?

What really matters to consumers more - move toward or away?

[10 minute read + 3 minute video + 1 minute video]

This article compares two products designed to help us change our habits. The Pavlok uses Aversion Therapy and Woebot is based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). The underlying difference in the design and marketing of the two comes down to the kind of motivation framing involved. Move away motivation is common. Move towards motivation turns out to work better in the longer term.